CPS Skyline Professional Learning, SY25
Skyline 101
If it was not possible for you to attend a Skyline 101 session this summer, Year 1 Skyline-adopting teachers should complete the Skyline Essentials Badges HERE and register for Unit Internalization sessions, where we’ll be sure that you get the support you need to get started!

Unit Internalization for Year 1 Skyline Adopters
Plan for successful implementation of the upcoming Skyline unit, including support for students with disabilities and multilingual learners, and using assessments and the Checkpoint platform effectively. Unit internalization is highly recommended for teachers and coaches new to Skyline. During these sessions you will:
  • Study the unit to deeply understand (1) the big ideas students are expected to learn, (2) the arc of learning over the unit, and (3) how students will be assessed summatively and formatively along the way
  • Tailor instruction to meet the needs of students with unfinished learning, students with disabilities, and multilingual learners
  • Internalize the instructional practice shifts embedded in the curriculum by experiencing a lesson immersion
Unit Planning for Year 2+ Skyline Adopters
Returning Skyline teachers are invited to attend 2-hour, in-person Unit Planning sessions. These sessions are designed for those with at least one year of Skyline experience in their content area. You will:
  • Engage with the Unit Internalization Protocol in a lightly-facilitated space
  • Collaborate with other district teachers and T&L content specialists
Skyline Essentials Badges
Self-paced professional learning essential for those who are implementing and/or supporting the implementation of Skyline. Courses include how to navigate Skyline, plan and teach lessons and administer assessments using the Skyline digital learning ecosystem. The Navigating, Planning, Teaching, and Assessing 1&2 badges are required for new Skyline adopting teachers. Access Skyline Essential Badges HERE!  

Payment / Credit Hours
Teachers will receive CPDUs and will be paid 1 non-instructional hour for each Skyline Essentials badge completed. Teachers will receive CPDUs for attending PL sessions. Eligibile staff will also be compensated at the non-instructional rate per hour for their attendance at Skyline PL sessions that occur outside of regularly contracted hours.  Teachers must be fully contracted and onboarded at the time of the session, attend the full duration of the session, and complete the attendance/exit slip form to receive payment and CPDUs. Please find more payment information in the Skyline Payment One-Pager.
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Tuesday, August 20

9:00am CDT

Unit 1 Internalization - SS 1st Grade LIMITED
Tuesday August 20, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm CDT
The Skyline Social Science  team is excited to see you tomorrow at your Unit 1 Internalization Session!

As a reminder, you’ve registered for:

Session: Skyline Social Science Unit 1 Internalization
Date:Tuesday, August 20, 2024 
Time: 9 am-3 pm (with a one-hour break for lunch)
Location: CPS Network 10 -  9901 S. Western Ave 
Travel Considerations: Due to the Democratic National Convention, we know travel might be challenging in specific areas of the city, so it will be important to leave plenty of time to make it to the PL site. We know this is important learning and are grateful you’ll be allowing yourself some extra travel time on these days!

Here’s a little more on what to expect:

Before your session
To ensure we are best prepared to provide you a powerful learning experience, Google Calendar invites will be sent.  Please be sure to accept the calendar invite to confirm your attendance.  

Register for Learning Hub ahead of time using the following codes:
  • Course Code: 69766
  • Class Code: 128365

What to bring:
  • A fully charged computer (and your power cord)
  • Lunch (or plan to visit one of the neighborhood restaurants) 
  • A photo ID (CPS or Driver’s License) to show to building security

When you arrive:
  • We will begin right at 9 am. Please arrive a few minutes early to be ready to learn when your session starts.
  • Please do not park in the parking lot at 9901 S. Western. This parking lot is ONLY for the employees who work at the network offices and Vick. Please be aware if you park in this lot you will be asked to move your car. There is some non-permit parking in the neighborhoods around the building, but be mindful of signage as there are some blocks with permit parking only. Please enter through the door facing the parking lot. 
  • Room: Training Room

What you’ll be learning:
Learn the ins and outs of implementing your first Skyline unit!
Look forward to learning about topics such as key instructional practice shifts, supports for students with disabilities and multilingual learners, and using assessments to backwards plan.

Unit Internalizations are highly recommended for teachers who are new to Skyline after completing Skyline 101. Teachers who were unable to attend Skyline 101 this summer should register for a Unit Internalization as the best pathway to get started with Skyline.

Waitlist reminder:
If you are no longer able to attend this session, please reschedule on Sched today to allow someone on the waitlist to attend. To unenroll, hover your cursor over your session and click “Remove from My Schedule” in the popup window. 

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the Skyline Social Science Unit 1 Internalization!

The Social Science Team
avatar for Tamara Acoba

Tamara Acoba

Social Science Manager (K-5), Chicago Public Schools
avatar for Alayna Washington

Alayna Washington

6-12 Social Science Manager, Chicago Public Schools
avatar for Laurie Brooks

Laurie Brooks

Social Science Specialist, Grades K-5 (First Grade), Chicago Public Schools
Tuesday August 20, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm CDT
Network 10 Training Room

9:00am CDT

Unit 1 Internalization - SS 2nd Grade LIMITED
Tuesday August 20, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm CDT
avatar for Tamara Acoba

Tamara Acoba

Social Science Manager (K-5), Chicago Public Schools
avatar for Alayna Washington

Alayna Washington

6-12 Social Science Manager, Chicago Public Schools

Natalie Medina

Social Science Specialist, Grades K-5 (Second Grade), Chicago Public Schools
Tuesday August 20, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm CDT
Network 10 Training Room

9:00am CDT

Unit 1 Internalization - SS K LIMITED
Tuesday August 20, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm CDT
avatar for Tamara Acoba

Tamara Acoba

Social Science Manager (K-5), Chicago Public Schools
avatar for Alayna Washington

Alayna Washington

6-12 Social Science Manager, Chicago Public Schools
avatar for Oluwafunmilayo Ajayi

Oluwafunmilayo Ajayi

Social Science Specialist, Grades K-5 (Kinder), Chicago Public Schools

Natalie Medina

Social Science Specialist, Grades K-5 (Second Grade), Chicago Public Schools
Tuesday August 20, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm CDT
Network 10 Training Room

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