Pre-K Skyline 101: Infusing Skyline into a Creative Curriculum Study
If available, bring a fully charged laptop and your Creative Curriculum's The First Six Weeks guide. Register on the Learning Hub -
Class Code 127454.
This session is designed to ensure that all Pre-K teachers and TAs who are
NEW to opting into this track of Skyline supplemental resources (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Science) explore core components of lessons and units and how these resources work in conjunction with The Creative Curriculum. This session is also designed to ensure that participants analyze the structure of the resources and that they are equipped to infuse components of a Skyline lesson or unit into The Creative Curriculum's The First Six Weeks guide.
This is not a Pre-K Foundational Literacy Skills (PKFS) session.
This session is developed and designed
specifically with a Pre-K lens for pre-K teachers. We will look at utilizing Skyline supplemental (ELA, Math, Science, Social Science) materials with a Creative Curriculum study. If you are not a Pre-K teacher or do not support Pre-K, please check
Sched for sessions for your content or grade level.