CPS Skyline Professional Learning, SY25
Skyline 101
If it was not possible for you to attend a Skyline 101 session this summer, Year 1 Skyline-adopting teachers should complete the Skyline Essentials Badges HERE and register for Unit Internalization sessions, where we’ll be sure that you get the support you need to get started!

Unit Internalization for Year 1 Skyline Adopters
Plan for successful implementation of the upcoming Skyline unit, including support for students with disabilities and multilingual learners, and using assessments and the Checkpoint platform effectively. Unit internalization is highly recommended for teachers and coaches new to Skyline. During these sessions you will:
  • Study the unit to deeply understand (1) the big ideas students are expected to learn, (2) the arc of learning over the unit, and (3) how students will be assessed summatively and formatively along the way
  • Tailor instruction to meet the needs of students with unfinished learning, students with disabilities, and multilingual learners
  • Internalize the instructional practice shifts embedded in the curriculum by experiencing a lesson immersion
Unit Planning for Year 2+ Skyline Adopters
Returning Skyline teachers are invited to attend 2-hour, in-person Unit Planning sessions. These sessions are designed for those with at least one year of Skyline experience in their content area. You will:
  • Engage with the Unit Internalization Protocol in a lightly-facilitated space
  • Collaborate with other district teachers and T&L content specialists
Skyline Essentials Badges
Self-paced professional learning essential for those who are implementing and/or supporting the implementation of Skyline. Courses include how to navigate Skyline, plan and teach lessons and administer assessments using the Skyline digital learning ecosystem. The Navigating, Planning, Teaching, and Assessing 1&2 badges are required for new Skyline adopting teachers. Access Skyline Essential Badges HERE!  

Payment / Credit Hours
Teachers will receive CPDUs and will be paid 1 non-instructional hour for each Skyline Essentials badge completed. Teachers will receive CPDUs for attending PL sessions. Eligibile staff will also be compensated at the non-instructional rate per hour for their attendance at Skyline PL sessions that occur outside of regularly contracted hours.  Teachers must be fully contracted and onboarded at the time of the session, attend the full duration of the session, and complete the attendance/exit slip form to receive payment and CPDUs. Please find more payment information in the Skyline Payment One-Pager.
avatar for Kelley Browne

Kelley Browne

Marvin Camras

Steven Bruehl

avatar for Carolyn M Bryant

Carolyn M Bryant

Pre-K Teacher
avatar for Sharon Bryar

Sharon Bryar

Henry Clay Elementary

Briana Bryson

Chicago Public Schools
Master Scheduler
avatar for Catherine Buck

Catherine Buck

Arthur E Canty School
ECSE Instructional teacher
avatar for Natasha Buckner

Natasha Buckner

George Rogers Clark School
avatar for Araceli Buenrostro

Araceli Buenrostro

Chicago Public Schools
STEM School Support Specialist-STEM Department

Dennis Bulmer

Assistant Principal

Michele Burdette

Eberhart Elementary

Meliea Burns

Lionel Hamptn Fin/Perf Art Sch
avatar for Jonathan Burton

Jonathan Burton

Murphy Elementary
Assistant Principal
avatar for Heather Busch

Heather Busch

Chicago Public School

Towanna Butler

Chicago High School for Agricultural Science
Assistant Principal
avatar for Twyla Butler

Twyla Butler

Special Education Teacher
avatar for Alice Buzanis

Alice Buzanis


Brittany Byrd

Jesse Owens Elem Comm Academy
avatar for Ronalyn Cabacungan

Ronalyn Cabacungan

Chicago Public Schools
Special Education Primary Resource

Erica Cahill

Greene School
Diverse Learner Teacher

Patricia Calhoun

Chicago Pubulic Schools
Chicago Pubulic Schools

Aracely Calvillo

Chicago Public Schools

Reyes Calvillo

Bilingual Teacher
avatar for Damaris Cami

Damaris Cami

Decatur Classical School
Resident Principal

Stephanie Campbell

Chicago Public Schools
Middle School Teacher
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