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Arturo Velasquez Institute | Arturo Velasquez Institute - room 1205 | Arturo Velasquez Institute - room 2201 | Copernicus Center - Annex | Copernicus Center - King's Hall | Harry S Truman College - Lobby | Kroc Corps Community Center - Chapel | UIC Student Center East - Cardinal | UIC Student Center East - Ft Dearborn | UIC Student Center East - Room 603 | UIC Student Center East - Room 605 |
Virtual |
CPS Garfield Park Office - Room 151/153 | CPS Garfield Park Office - Room 335/337 | Virtual |
CPS Garfield Park Office - Room 235/237 |
CPS Garfield Park Office | Schubert Elementary School - Room 508 | Virtual |
CPS Garfield Park Office - Room 235/237 | Kroc Corps Community Center - Celebration Room | Kroc Corps Community Center - Celebration Room 3 | Kroc Corps Community Center - Chapel | Schubert Elementary School - Room 508 |
Malcolm X Community College - Room 1106 | Schubert Elementary School - Room 508 | Virtual |
Richard T. Crane Medical Prep High School - Library | Richard T. Crane Medical Prep HS - Room 321 |
Virtual |
Virtual |
CPS Garfield Park Office Room 139 | Virtual |
Richard T. Crane Medical Prep High School - Library |
CPS Garfield Park Office - Room 335/337 | Virtual |
Erikson Institute | Virtual |
Chicago HS for Agricultural Sciences | CPS Garfield Park Office - Room 335/337 |
Virtual |
Colman School - CPS Administrative Office - Room 213 | Virtual |
Virtual |
Skinner West Elementary |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Phoenix Military Academy - Room 131 | TBD | Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Earle School Stem Engineering Excellence | Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
CPS Garfield Park Office - Room 151/153 | Virtual |
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Virtual |
Ryan Learning Center - At the Art Institute of Chicago | Schubert Elementary School - Room 508 |
Colman School - CPS Administrative Office - Room 213 | Schubert Elementary School - Room 508 | Virtual |
Schubert Elementary School - Room 508 | Virtual |
Ryan Learning Center - At the Art Institute of Chicago | Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Virtual |
CPS Garfield Park Office - Room 335/337 | Virtual |
Virtual |